Stella’s Brave Voice on Fox9 Good Day

I had a wonderful time chatting with the lovely hosts of Fox9 Good Day about my new children’s book, Stella’s Brave Voice.

I had so much fun chatting with the lovely hosts of the Fox 9 Good Day show in Minneapolis, MN on Monday, October 9th as I channeled my “inner Stella” and used my brave voice to talk all about my new book, Stella’s Brave Voice. For a quick overview, Stella’s Brave Voice is a follow-up to The Only Me, and follows Stella and Paige, a set of fraternal twins, as Stella learns to speak up for herself and tell her sister how she feels when she constantly talks over her, for her and interrupts her. This is a story meant to encourage self-worth, empowerment, positive interpersonal relationships and the confidence to speak up bravely!

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This book is PERFECT for perfectionists (children and grown-ups!) and belongs in classrooms, libraries, and every child’s bookshelf. 

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Stella’s Brave Voice follows the twins from The Only Me and has earned a 5-star Book Review Award from Litpick and Reader’s Favorite. 

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The Only Me was named one of the top 100 indie children’s books of 2022 by Kirkus Reviews and earned a 5-star Book Review Award from Litpick. 

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