Stella’s Brave Voice

Stella’s frustrated that Paige constantly speaks on her behalf. Can she learn to use her brave voice to tell her twin sister how she feels?

Twin sisters, Stella and Paige are different in a lot of ways – especially when it comes to how much they like to talk. In fact, Paige often speaks FOR Stella.

Stella’s always been okay with being the quiet one . . . until now. Suddenly, Stella has something to say. But can she find a way to make her own voice heard over Paige’s? And will learning to use her own brave voice hurt Paige’s feelings—and their special relationship?

Why readers will love Stella’s Brave Voice:

  • Empowering: Perfect for kids struggling to find their voice and be heard.
  • Self-worth: A hallmark for children as they learn that their thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter.
  • Self-confidence: Promotes a healthy sense of confidence and assurance in young readers.
  • Sibling relationships: Encourages communication, conflict resolution skills, and fosters positive relationships between siblings.
  • Friendships: Relatable for young readers learning to manage and accept differences between themselves and their friends.


    “Stella’s Brave Voice may empower other kids to find theirs, too.” — Kirkus Reviews



          Kirkus Reviews
          Stella’s Brave Voice may empower other kids to find theirs, too.
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          A young girl must learn to advocate for herself in Bader’s picture book.

          Stella and her fraternal twin sister, Paige, have lots in common. They also have complementary differences: Stella likes cake but not frosting, for example, while Paige likes frosting but not cake. But Stella gets aggravated when Paige speaks for her without giving her time to answer, or interrupts, or speaks over her. Stella wants to speak up, but she doesn’t know how. That evening, their mother gives Stella great advice, reminding her how Paige started to speak up for Stella when they were younger and Stella’s anxiety was more severe. Her advice empowers Stella to speak up for herself, but also to remember that Paige loves her and doesn’t want her to feel scared. Their mother helps Stella use her stuffed animals to model a conversation with Paige. The next day at school, Stella has a productive conversation with her sibling. Bader’s story presents anxious young readers with a great model for learning how to assert themselves in conversation. Soto’s full-color cartoon illustrations are cute but might have been improved with more realistic shading, although the well-drawn backgrounds ably contextualize the settings. The speaking characters are all depicted with pale skin; the story has several background characters of color, including the twins’ teacher.

          Stella’s Brave Voice may empower other kids to find theirs, too.
          Doreen Chombu
          Doreen ChombuReaders' Favorite
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          Stella's Brave Voice is a children's picture book written by Marissa Bader with illustrations by Arlene Soto. The book follows the story of twin sisters, Stella and Paige. Stella loves that she has a twin sister who always has her back because she talks less than Paige, who is more outgoing. Unfortunately, sometimes Paige oversteps and forgets that Stella can speak for herself if she wants to. Stella confides in their mother and informs her that she feels a burning feeling in her stomach whenever Paige talks for her. What could it be? And will her mother’s advice help her find the courage to speak up for herself? Get a copy of this book to find out.

          Stella's Brave Voice is a fun story that encourages children to speak up and share their opinions. Stella is an adorable character whose plight will resonate with many shy children who are afraid to voice their ideas. Marissa Bader uses this story to teach children to get out of their shells and stand up for themselves. Bottling up your feelings and not sharing your views can cause you to feel stressed, and like Stella, it can give you a burning sensation in your stomach. Freedom and joy come with speaking out, and this can be seen in Stella’s character development from a timid child to a cheerful and brave girl. I loved the book’s art because it was eye-catching and told the story through visuals. I recommend parents and caregivers to read this book with their children and help them find fun ideas to help them overcome their fear of speaking up.
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          Marissa Bader's Stella’s Brave Voice is truly a standout read. It beautifully dives into themes of family, personal struggles, and the challenges of communication. This book will strike a chord, especially with young readers. We see Stella grapple with her hesitation to speak her mind, made even more challenging by her sister Paige's habit of speaking for both of them. Stella's feelings of frustration are depicted very well, helping readers understand and empathize with her emotions. Moreover, Arlene Soto's pleasing and colorful illustrations not only catch the eye but also match perfectly with the story's mood. Overall, Stella’s Brave Voice is a brilliantly crafted book that many young readers will undoubtedly find enjoyable and relatable.



          This book is PERFECT for perfectionists (children and grown-ups!) and belongs in classrooms, libraries, and every child’s bookshelf. 

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          Stella’s Brave Voice follows the twins from The Only Me and has earned a 5-star Book Review Award from Litpick and Reader’s Favorite. 

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          The Only Me was named one of the top 100 indie children’s books of 2022 by Kirkus Reviews and earned a 5-star Book Review Award from Litpick. 

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