I’m excited to share the news that Petunia the Perfectionist earned a Five-Star Book Review Award from Litpick! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
According to reviewer Grammy2023, “…Author Marissa Bader’s descriptive writing allows the reader a peek into the life of Petunia by using real struggles to connect with readers. Thus, she delivers an emotional tale of self-discovery. The illustrator, Ellie Beykzadeh, provides depth and beauty to the story. Beykzadeh’s stunning, vibrant images are wonderfully PERFECT. With its relatable themes and lovable protagonist, Petunia the Perfectionist is a must-read for readers of all ages. It is a perfectly delightful addition to any bookshelf!”
See the rest of the review here.
Petunia the Perfectionist is available for pre-order now via my website and will be available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold this August!